- Command™ Picture Hanging Strips
- Framed pictures
- Free wall space
NOTE: Follow all Command™ Brand package instructions for proper surface cleaning and prep, adhesive strip placement and recommended weight claims.
1. Attach Command™ Picture Hanging Strips or Hangers to the backs of your frames. Follow package instructions for strip placement and weight recommendations.
2. On the floor in front of the empty wall space, lay down your frames in the pattern you’d like on your wall. Clean your wall surface as per the package directions - no household cleaning products.
3. Starting with a middle picture and working your way out, begin attaching your pictures to the wall, following your pre-planned pattern. Remove frame from the bottom and press on the strips for 30 seconds. Wait one hour before re-hanging frames.
4. Crooked picture? No problem! Just detach the picture from the wall, adjust and re-hang.